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Let us, with great pride and joy, present our Norwegian born male "Ossi" =).

Ossi is a wonderful young and well typed male with a super mentality. His good lengths and bone structure, combined with a beautiful head, and lines made us fall hell over heels for him =). More information about "Ossi" will come, so please come back to his own page =)).

What else can we say other than he corresponds to our expectations, and we are looking forward to see his further development =).

Thanks Eva for letting us be untrusted with this wonderful guy!

"Ossi" will only be used on my own females in the cattery.

:: 2,5 years old

:: September 2007

:: 2 years

:: SMK August 2006

:: 1 year



:: 8 months

:: 7½ months

:: 6½ months

:: 22 weeks

:: 17 weeks

:: 16 weeks

:: 12 weeks

:: 8 weeks

:: 4 and 2 weeks

1 year

COLOR: n 09 23 - blackmackareltabby-white
BIRTHDATE: 8 May, 2005
FIV & FeLV-tested - negative
HCM-tested - negative, May 22nd 2006
GSD IV-tested - normal, March 11th 2009

WEIGHT at 1 year of age: 6,7 kg

BREEDER: Eva Walther - (N) Satyr's
LITTERS: Litter 13, Litter 14, Litter 15
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

The Kitten/Junior of the Year 2005
at Skogkattslingan (IDP)
270 p (4 shows)
Cat of the Year 2006 SMK
3rd place
Cat of the Year 2007 SMK
1st place

Semilonghair of the Year 2007 within the Nordic IDP
4th place on the total list.